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The UK’s #1 Music Marketing Agency


Are you ready to..

Promote your music, reach a new audience and increase your following to level up your music career. Facebook & Instagram Advertising is our most popular service, and we’ve helped many artists like yourself utilise ads to get their music heard.

Our proven strategy has delivered results time and time again, and can help you find success in your music career.

Find New Listeners

We’ll promote your music so you can find new listeners that convert into long term, loyal fans

Activate the Algorithm

Increase your listeners and trigger Spotify’s algorithm for free promotion of your music, and put your growth on auto-pilot.

Increase Royalties

Earn more money from your music and maximise your royalty income whilst growing your monthly streams.

What will your monthly advertising service include?

At The Music Scalers, we’ve helped hundreds of music artists achieve the success they deserve.

Facebook & Instagram advertising is our most popular service, and is designed to promote your music, gain traction and accelerate your growth.

Ads Management: Setup and management of Facebook & Instagram Ads
1-1 Support: Helpful guidance to ensure you get the most out of your ads
Advanced Tactics: To deliver the most effective ads that generate results

We understand each artist is different, and your ad campaigns will be fully optimised and tailored to suit your specific career goals. We’ve worked with a huge variety of music artists, and we use this knowledge to create top tier ads for your business, so you don’t have to waste your time or money.

Learning about marketing takes time and patience, two things that you probably don’t have! Thankfully we’ve tried and tested all the tactics, so you don’t need to! Outsourcing is a no-brainer, so you can focus on making music and we’ll focus on getting it heard.

What does the process involve?

After completing the transaction through the link below, you’ll receive an email with details on how to add The Music Scalers to your Facebook Page
You’ll then receive a questionnaire to complete so we can get to know you, understand your current position and where you want to be
We’ll edit your video content to ensure your ads engage your target audience
Using the information from your questionnaire we’ll provide a fully customised strategy to help you achieve your goals

*The typical turnaround time for ads is 5-7 days after payment.

We offer 2 monthly payment options for our Facebook & Instagram Advertising Service

Option 1


Ad Creation & Set Up
Ads Monitoring & Management
1-1 Support & Marketing Guidance
Advanced Ad Tactics, Split Testing & Retargeting
Option 2


Ad Creation & Set Up
Ads Monitoring & Management
1-1 Support & Marketing Guidance
Advanced Ad Tactics, Split Testing & Retargeting

I understand and agree to the terms & conditions listed below.

Advertising Terms & Conditions

The service fee covers 1 ad campaign at a time, and includes any changes needed to optimise that campaign. Should you wish to start a new campaign for a new track there will be a £75 admin fee to cover the set up of your new campaign.
Ad spend is billed separately from the monthly ads management fee and will be paid straight to Facebook via Ads Manager
Unlike many other agencies, we don’t charge a set up fee, however we do require a minimum of 3 months service so you can get the most out of your ads. Cancelling before the 3 month period ends, will result in a £100 admin charge.
We do not offer guarantees or refunds
The service fee is a monthly recurring fee, should you wish to cancel the service you must notify The Music Scalers of cancellation at least 7 days before the renewal date or you will be charged for another month. Please do this by emailing

The Music Scalers and Facebook are in no way affiliated with one another, therefore The Music Scalers has no control over Facebook’s Ad Guidelines, rules or decisions. Periodically Facebook will conduct random quality control measures of Facebook Business Pages and Ad Accounts. In the unlikely event that your Facebook Page or Ad Account is suspended or reviewed by Facebook/Facebook.com, The Music Scalers will hold no liability for the decisions of Facebook Ad Account and Page suspensions, but will assist you in appealing such suspensions, or provide you with other avenues to market your music


Your ad spend is the amount of money you spend on a specific campaign. This gets billed directly through Facebook and is a separate charge to our monthly ads management service fee.

You could, but will they work? This is a really common question we get asked, and from our experience the majority of artists who set up their own ads are doing it wrong, and wasting their money in the process!

A good ad has many components, from the visual content to the wording, right through to the advanced ad tactics that underpin the whole strategy. There’s more to it than you might imagine… the ad you see is only a small piece of what it takes to deliver a successful ad campaign!

Understanding how to market yourself effectively takes time and energy, not to mention the money you’d waste on ineffective ads! Why not take the stress out of marketing and give our agency a try?

You aren’t tied into a contract, and are able to cancel at any time. We understand that investing into a new service can be daunting, and that’s why unlike most other ad agencies we won’t charge a set up fee for your first month. However setting up your ads, editing your content and developing your strategy are labour intensive tasks, therefore if you do decide to cancel your service within 3 months of setting up we do ask for a £100 admin fee. 

We recommend giving your ads at least 90 days, so we are able to test a few strategies to find the best one for you, but if you do decide to cancel we only ask for a 7 day notice period.

We will begin the process of setting up your campaign within 5-7 business days after receiving all the required information. Facebook & Instagram, usually approve new ads within 24 hours of being submitted.

After that it really depends… your budget, location, quality of your content and your competition will all affect your results. It could be within a matter of days, others may take a week or two, so it's difficult for us to give an exact answer.

We will continue to manage your ads for as long as the monthly service fee is paid. For optimal results we recommend a minimum of 3 months to allow us to gain data, test strategies and figure out what works best for you.

If your ads are working and delivering results we recommend you continue to run them for as long as possible. If something is working, why stop it? Even the most well known artists still run ads, so you should too!

We are interested in building long-term relationships with our clients that deliver long-term, sustainable growth. We understand that for many artists, especially those new to the game, have reservations about investing in marketing, but if you let the cost of investing into yourself stop you, you’ll never reach your full potential.

No, you’ll just need to have an active ads account so that we can request access as your ads manager.

Of course, we are happy to provide monthly updates on the progress of your campaign!